970-235-9151 New Mexico

Animal Waste Cleanup Service in Durango, Farmington, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs
Your pets may be a part of your family but you should not allow them to make your home dirty. Animal waste is filled with all sorts of bacteria and harmful organisms that can make you sick. As a responsible pet owner, you have to make it a habit to clean up after your dog or cat. However, there are some cases where the waste you are dealing with could not be coming from your four-legged companion.
Rats, raccoons, and other uninvited critters could be living near or within your property. Naturally, they defecate and release other wastes whenever nature calls. Locating and cleaning their excrements can be difficult, but it is not a good idea to ignore their presence.
Keeping Your Home Clean 24/7
It is important to get rid of animal waste immediately because it can affect your property, as well as your health. The residue of the excrement can seep through your ceilings, walls, floors, and water sources – making your overall environment unfit for living. When you ignore its presence, the harmful effects will continue to linger and may even make you seriously sick. During a time like this, handling the situation on your own is impossible. Let Best Cleaning and Disaster Restoration clean your surroundings for you so that you can make your home safe and healthy once more.
Through our biohazard cleanup services, your property will be fit to live in, in no time. We will locate the problematic area, disinfect and clean it via the proper method, and make sure that nothing will harm your health. We deal with all sorts of waste from animals such as:
- Dogs and cats
- Rats, raccoons, opossums, and other critters
- Chickens and livestock

Contact Us for Animal Waste Cleanup Service in Durango, Farmington, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs
We care about the health and state of your home. So give us a call at 970-235-9151 or visit the Best Cleaning and Disaster Restoration contact page for further questions and inquiries. Our services are available to properties located in the surrounding areas of Durango, Farmington, Cortez, and Pagosa Springs.